Climber Story: Midori Buechli

February 01, 2023 3 min read

Climber Story: Midori Buechli - Dynamite Starfish

To start, tell us a little bit about yourself

My name is Midori Buechli, I’m 33 years young! I grew up in Northern Ontario, but now I live in Toronto. My work as a Registered Nurse in Hematology and Oncology is really rewarding, but it can be heavy at times. I am fortunate to have climbing as an outlet to help me decompress.

Bouldering is my true love, but sometimes I can get into sport climbing too. I love my husband, my friends and my family and overall I’m just trying to have a good time in life!

How did you start climbing?

I started climbing in summer 2010 — hard to believe that it’s been over 12 years! I first started going to the “bouldering room” at my university because of a guy I liked (now we’re married!) but after the first few visits, I was hooked.

I felt a major affinity for climbing pretty quickly. I grew up doing gymnastics, so the movement and the physical challenge really appealed to me.

What impact has climbing had on your life?

All my closest friends are the ones I have met through climbing. And then we started going on trips… what a game-changer! I was never very outdoorsy growing up, but as soon as I started climbing outside, something clicked. I fell in love with nature, and I’m so thankful that climbing has given me that.

Climbing is such a focal point in my life now, it's what my husband and I do in our spare time, it's what we do with our friends, all our vacation time is spent going on climbing trips, and our savings are going towards our next year of van-life!

What are some other things you do that you find most fulfilling?

My work is definitely fulfilling because I get to develop relationships and care for patients when they are feeling very vulnerable. It also helps me maintain perspective, reminding me that every opportunity should be seized since you never know what the future holds.

If you could tell the world one thing, what would it be?

Don't forget to floss!

Favorite thing about Dynamite Starfish?

I love your fun Dynamite Starfish drip and how you build community through your online platform!

Is there something you're working on that you'd like to tell our community about? We love a good story.

I'm working on an exciting project right now! We're shooting an all-women bouldering film in Hueco Tanks, TX. It's really rad to have a lady crew taking down hard climbs in the birthplace of modern bouldering!

We are psyched to share what we have been working on with the community. Keep up to date with our project by following @girlsgonehueco 😊


You can find Midori on Instagram at @midoriontherocks.

Want to get to know more of the climbers in the amazing Dynamite Starfish community? Check out our archive of Climber Stories here.

We hope you have enjoyed these sneak peeks into climbers' lives. We're on a mission to share diverse stories about rock climbing. Let's push the boundaries of who we know as climbers. Let's use our energy and passion for the outdoors to love our environment and inspire one another.

Have someone you think we should feature? Send us a message and let us know!

Until next time!

Dynamite Starfish
Dynamite Starfish

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