Climber Story: Halle Homel

July 12, 2023 2 min read

Climber Story: Halle Homel - Dynamite Starfish

To start, tell us a little bit about yourself

I’m Halle! I’m a 25 year old rock climber, thru hiker, and novice mountaineer. My entire life is the outdoors. I work in outdoor recreation as a guide, and live nomadically, changing locations every few months depending on my job. I’m a proud dirtbag — my whole life revolves around allowing me to do more of the sports I love!

How did you start climbing?

I had been wanting to start climbing for five years before I finally found someone who would teach me. Because I live nomadically, I learned everything I know outdoors in the deserts of Arizona.

I quickly became obsessed with the sport after I realized it helped my chronic back pain and pursued it in any way I could. By the time I’d been climbing for 6 months, I got my first job in the climbing industry, working as an assistant rock guide in New River Gorge National Park.

What impact has climbing had on your life?

Climbing saved me.

I say it all the time. It saved me from chronic pain, it saved me from feeling lost, it has brought me into the present moment more than anything else I’ve ever tried. When I don’t climb, I don’t feel like me. I always say, if you want to see me as my most authentic self, bring me somewhere vertical.

What are some other things you do that you find most fulfilling?

I’m a thru hiker! I recently thru hiked California’s Backbone Trail, and I’m gearing up to complete the Oregon Coast Trail in just a couple months. I’ve also recently gotten into climbing big mountains. Next up is South Sister! 

If you could tell the world one thing, what would it be?

Stop making excuses and go do that thing you keep saying you want to do. There’s a reason you want to do it so badly, so go pursue it. 

Favorite thing about Dynamite Starfish?

The positivity that surrounds everything that you do!  

You can find Halle on Instagram at @halletreks.

Want to get to know more of the climbers in the amazing Dynamite Starfish community? Check out our archive of Climber Stories here.

We hope you have enjoyed these sneak peeks into climbers' lives. We're on a mission to share diverse stories about rock climbing. Let's push the boundaries of who we know as climbers. Let's use our energy and passion for the outdoors to love our environment and inspire one another.

Have someone you think we should feature? Send us a message and let us know!

Dynamite Starfish
Dynamite Starfish

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