Climber Interview : Jake Sanchez

February 23, 2020 2 min read

Climber Interview : Jake Sanchez - Dynamite Starfish


Hi folks! I hope you are enjoying our weekly Climber Interviews! We hope these interviews inspire you to be completely and honestly yourself. There are so many different types of climbers out there, which is why we are highlighting climbers from many backgrounds and practices to expand the boundaries of what is considered a "climber."

Today we are interviewing Los Angeles local, Jake Sanchez! Read on to learn more.

Jake Sanchez by Katie Jo Myers Echo Cliffs CA
photo: Katie Jo Myers

Q1: To start, a few ways you identify yourself... (some examples: name, age, pronouns, type of work you do...) But really, anything you believe is important.

A1: HI! My name is JAKe* Sanchez. I prefer he/him and I am a 32 year old competitive adaptive climber.


Jake Sanchez by Katie Jo Myers 2
photo: Katie Jo Myers


Q2: How did you start climbing?

A2: On my birthday 6 years ago, my brother took me on a crazy adventure. We did everything that day. We went bowling, the batting cages, a gun club, an arcade, and a rock climbing gym to name a few of the activities. It was the best birthday ever! In the days that followed all I could think about was climbing. I was obsessed. I went back to the gym and got a membership soon after; That's how it all started.

Jake Sanchez by Katie Jo Myers 2

photo: Katie Jo Myers


Q3: What impact has climbing had on your life?

A3: After losing my leg, climbing made me feel like a person again. I think that is the case for a lot of people. I want to spread that feeling with anyone I can. Especially those that don't feel like they belong... I guess that's a lot of us.

Q4: What are some other things you do that you find most fulfilling?

A4: Working on keeping our lands accessible to all and getting people to climb/push themselves regardless of their abilities and circumstance is really fulfilling. But if I am being 100 percent honest, I feel the most satisfied and happy when I am working and training with my dog Moxie. We are currently working on getting her ready for her Canine Good Citizen test and her service dog certification after that. I love her!


Jake Sanchez by Katie Jo Myers 3
photo: Katie Jo Myers


Q5: If you could tell the world one thing, what would it be?

A5: You are enough.


Well, there it is!

You can find Jake on Instagram.


Leslie Kim
Leslie Kim

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